Because we care. Period. We truly care about you and want to be your trusted advisors.
I have personally been in the business for 36 years. Does that make me any better than younger agents? Probably not. But I will say that I can 100% say with confidence that every sale I have made has been in the best interest of the customer. I would rather pass on a sale than sell a client something for price only versus what they need. I truly feel that we can be your trusted voice. You will always get my honest and professional opinion. I realize I cannot make someone take my recommendations all of the time but at least I feel comfortable that I have offered and discussed them. I have worked many years to gain the trust of my customers.
You will never find me “agent” or “company” bashing – in other words, putting down the other companies or agents in order to elevate my companies. I shouldn’t have to do that due to I feel passionate about the companies that we represent and their claims service that they offer. It doesn’t matter how much money you save if in the event of a claim you do not get the service you deserve.
Our agency promises to always be honest with you. Why does my insurance go up after an accident? Why do I pay more on my homeowners policy if I have a woodburner? Why does my insurance go up so much after adding my son/daughter? Why do I need higher limits? Why do I have to insure my home for more than I paid for it? What does my credit have to do with insurance? These are all just a few questions that we are more than happy to answer for you – You may not agree with our answers (and sometimes we don’t agree with the companies yet have the obligation to explain where they are coming from) yet we will attempt to answer in a simplified manner.
Call us – we want to be your Trusted Advisors. We offer home, auto, life and business insurance. I am proud of our agency and our staff.
Happy October to you!!