February is HERE!!
Welcome February! Wow…it is only the 6th of February – We have had 60 degree weather (YES!!), a little snow and now today we have a lot of ice…No matter what.. we have had a very mild winter! Pretty crazy for Ohio…but I will take it.
I am one who truly loves the snow (I may not like driving in it though…) – I love the cold in the air and the beauty of the snow. But..I am excited for spring. The days will be longer and the flowers will bloom. That seems to make everyone feel better.
I want to send good health and good vibes out there to all of our amazing customers. I want to remind everyone that we do not just write for one company – If you are unhappy with your policy or your rate – NEVER hesitate to call us. We have never been ones to say we have the lowest rates out there (in fact…rates are all over the place right now) yet we can say we do commit to advising you what coverage we believe you should have and what company fits your needs best – and we will be there for you in the event of a claim. We will guide you through the process and we will answer any questions you may have.
Another reminder – we write auto, home, life, business and offer long term care options. Please call us to discuss your policy, any concerns or…just to say hi. We would love if you could pass our name to a friend or relative – we are open for business for all!
So…my February advice? Hug a loved one, call your insurance agent and have an amazing month!!
Tags: auto insurance, family, February, home insurance, hug, insurance, life insurance, long term care, love