Happy Almost New Year!
I cannot believe it is December 30, 2016 – where did the year go?
I love to reflect at the end of a year so I can both cherish memories and also reflect on what I can do better for the next year for both myself, my family, my friends and my customers. This year started off wonderful with my oldest son Justin getting engaged. Two weeks after that, however, my precious mother Margaret DeVaul (you may remember her from working in here!) passed away. Although her body was fragile and I knew she was “ready to go” – it still shattered my heart. I miss her every single day.
The planning of the wedding definitely took my mind off of things in a positive way. The wedding went beautifully and we gained our first daughter-in-law. As my husband says, “we lost one and we gained one” – yes, life truly IS like a circle! A hiking trip to Zion National Park with 12 girls was rejuvenating. The holidays were both sad without my parents yet joyous spending them with my family. AND the fact that our middle son Jordan is engaged and will be married in 2017 – yes, more joy to come!
I AM excited about 2017. My motto has always been to “live every day the best you can” – I know that sounds cliché but it is simple and it is a great way to live. I want to be more patient, more kind, exercise more, listen more and laugh more. I want to give back to my wonderful friends and family who give so much to me. I want to be there for my customers as much as I can when they need me. Yes, I struggle with this social media thing because I am more of a “human touch” type of person but I will work at doing that better.
My wish for each and everyone of you is to have a happy, healthy, joyous 2017 – ENJOY AND CHERISH EVERY DAY!!!
Tags: 2017, auto insurance, cherish, enjoy, life, life insurance, New Year