Nice Weather brings out Motorcyclists and Cyclists!
This is just a reminder for all of us to be more aware of our surroundings while driving. The nice weather not only brings sunshine to our area but brings out the motorcycles and bicycles on our roads. Please do not text. Have respect for everyone on the roads.
Personally I am a cyclist. I have always (and still do – not as much) rode my bike on the roads to different destinations. These past few years I have been made aware of a few friends and customers who have been hit by cars while riding on the roads. Thankfully none of them were seriously injured. I have personally chosen to not ride the roads as often as I did and stick to the trails.
I have always been envious of the free spirit of the people on motorcycles. They love to ride. Unfortunately I do not feel they get the respect on the road they deserve. They are hard to see. Drivers need to be more aware.
I thought I would share a campaign from PeopleForBikes that I support. Please read below and watch the video.
Two wheels? Four wheels? On the road, we all roll together.
Whether you’re a biker or a driver take a moment to watch the new video from PeopleForBikes. Behind our Bluetooth headsets and biking helmets, we all want the same thing — respect on the road and a better ride.
So watch the video, and share the love: