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July 18, 2013

Remembering Homer E DeVaul…

I am certain that many of you knew my wonderful father, Homer E DeVaul.  He sadly passed away on 6/11/2013.  He had been struggling with his health issues this past year.  Both of my parents taught me the business.  Homer, however, taught me that THE most important part of our business was actually CARING about […]
May 1, 2013

Nice Weather brings out Motorcyclists and Cyclists!

This is just a reminder for all of us to be more aware of our surroundings while driving.  The nice weather not only brings sunshine to our area but brings out the motorcycles and bicycles on our roads.  Please do not text.  Have respect for everyone on the roads. Personally I am a cyclist.  I […]
April 30, 2013

Pam’s husband Hang Gliding!

I’m sure we all have different things on our bucket list to do before we leave this earth.  Some are fun…some are exciting…some are just truly on a wish list to do…. and some are downright dangerous!   Our CSR Pam’s husband Michael decided to mark off one thing on his bucket list.  Finding himself in […]
April 17, 2013

Life Insurance…Does your family have enough protection?

Are we ever truly prepared for the worst thing to happen to us?  Losing a loved one can have a huge impact on a family.  In fact, for every home lost due to fire, there are three lost due to the death of a breadwinner.  Because we want to make sure you have the protection […]
April 11, 2013

Jordan Buntain joins DeVaul-Buntain!

Jordan Buntain joined our agency on April 1, 2013.  Jordan is the son of Janet and Ric Buntain.  He graduated from The Ohio State University in June, 2010 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree with a focus on Logistics.  Jordan completed a 2 year management training program with Associated Materials, his most […]
March 27, 2013

Weather Patterns causing Homeowner Changes

As I’m sure you have noticed, we have had a very large change in our weather patterns these past 5-6 years.  We have experienced hail and windstorms that have caused many more wind/hail insurance claims than in the past.  This is a widespread issue with all of the insurance companies.  Between the ongoing state of […]
February 14, 2013

Welcome to our first blog!!

I am excited to begin this blog.  My goal is to keep you informed of changes in our industry, recommend tips with links to better educate you and help you make informed decisions regarding your insurance and financial matters.  I will always welcome you to contact us and give me particular areas you want me […]

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