So Much to be Thankful for…
Wow – I have not been on to blog since June. Somehow this year got away from me. Between the sadness of my Mother passing away in February to the happiness of my oldest son getting married in August…I’m not sure where the year went!!
The holidays are beginning this week. It is so easy for me to sit and think of everything I am thankful for. There is not enough space for me to list them all. I do know that it is also a time for me to reflect on how I can be a better person for my family, friends and customers.
Regarding my family and friends – I’m not quite sure how I would have handled these past years without each and every one of you – I thank you for all of the love and support you have given me. You give me strength to be a better person and to give back every day.
Regarding our customers…our agency truly wants to do what is right for you. Please never think when we are recommending a newer policy or recommending that you increase your coverage that we are just going for the “sale” – that doesn’t happen at the DeVaul-Buntain Insurance Agency. We do what we do because we CARE. We want you to have the proper coverage in the event of a claim. We want you to have the life insurance to cover the ones you love in the event of a death. We are passionate about giving you the customer service that you deserve. And yes..we are thankful for every one of you.
Please sit back, eat lots of turkey and enjoy your friends and family. The holidays are HERE!!